Sunday, April 18, 2010

From the Mouth to the Eye

Ron died two weeks ago. He was my brother-in-law and one of the greatest men I have ever met. He had ALS. Unfortunately, I now know a lot about this disease. His disease was horrible but his death was quick and peaceful. I know he is in paradise without a wheelchair and with the ability to communicate again. I am sure he has been rewarded for his courage and faithfulness.
I have spent many hours with my sister, Mary, these past two weeks. We planned his memorial and "send off". We were very, very busy and his services were beautiful, poignant, healing. There was no time to cry or grieve. We were all about insuring that Ron's tribute was appropriate for a hero. Every detail was perfection and we were comforted knowing that this was our final act of love. So many people came (300) to the funeral and reception. The speakers were united in their praise of this amazing man.
But, now, is the tough time. Between family and friends, Mary has been with loving people most of these last days. We spent the weekend together. And we just kept doing stuff, and it was good for both of us. I have a bridal shower next weekend and Mary can plan a party better than anyone I know (She is a professional, really! That was her job for R & B Realty.) So, we just kept shopping and organizing and making lists. As a side effect of Ron's death, this is going to be an amazing shower. But, today at about 3 p.m. she drove away in her white Cadillac. She had to go home to do what we all do at our homes--get the mail, do laundry, water the plants, sleep in your own bed. Tonight she is having dinner with friends; tomorrow she has her pool exercise class and lots of details to take care of. I know she has great friends who will be with her and love her and include her.
Now, I just keep thinking about her driving away. She was crying, I was crying. I know she will be okay. I know Ron is okay. I just hate the grieving process. I wish my sister didn't have to live the emptiness, again.
About the eye. My right eye has been twitching pretty constantly since I drove down to my sister's house on April 5. No vision problems, but I kinda wonder if other people can see it, especially patients. And it is incredibly annoying when the right eye lid just starts moving on its own. I looked it up. Turns out it is related to stress and fatigue. Now that's a surpize.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Are you a baby?

I've read that 50% of the US population does not see a dentist on a regular basis. Okay, 50% of you need not read this. The rest, be warned. I will tell you what your dental team (we really like to use that word, T-E-A-M) is thinking and saying about you.
Are you a whiner? Do you walk in complaining about how much you hate the dentist? Do you make stupid jokes about preferring to have a baby vs. dental work? Do you frequently need a "moment" to rest, spit, answer your cell phone?
We talk about you, alot. We roll our eyes when you're not looking. We groan when we see your name on the schedule. We call you a "delicate flower" or "high maintenance". We wonder how your spouse can possibly put up with you. Sometimes we increase our fees because you take more time and energy. We don't like you.