Wednesday, May 19, 2010

precision laying out

In Southern California we never say, "I'm going to sun bathe" or "work on my tan". It is always,
"I'm going to lay out". Kinda like people from the Bay Area never say, "San Francisco" or worse yet, "San Fran". It is always, "The City".

Today, I was desperate. I have the perfect outfit for Saturday: a blue green sweater with one shoulder strap (cashmere) and matching raw silk pants. I know it sounds weird but it is Michael Kors so you know it works. One problem--bad tan lines. When I'm riding my bike, walking Walter, or hiking I usually wear a tank top. I've got stripes.

This afternoon I layed out. But it was cold. So I put a blanket over me, up to the troubling tan line area. Then I covered my face and neck (too much money already spent trying to repair the sun damage there). So, a towel here and blanket there and I had about a 9" by 4" rectangle exposed.

It isn't summer yet, but there are still lots of small planes and helicopters down at the beach. Seem like more of them were making a detour over my back yard today . . .

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